I mentioned Moncler jackets on The Essentialist way over half a year ago.
Needless to say, upon posting about it I ran to Barneys and bought one. Actually I spent an entire afternoon running like an idiot between Saks and Barneys, as they carried different colors and I couldn't make a decision.
The purchase turned out to be a hit. Warm, comfortable, easy to clean, and last but certainly not least: hopelessly attention-drawing. I couldn't count how many times I have been asked, whether in the street or on the subway, where did I get that beauty from. My Moncler was a star of the city.

As it usually happens in similar scenarios, in no time the word was out that NYC is treating Monclers with ultimate appreciation. One by one, they began showing up here and there, to ultimately flock the city, to the point when I see a Moncler jacket on the streets of NYC nearly everywhere and certainly everyday.
It broke my heart a couple of weeks ago, when on a sunny March Saturday I saw a Moncler jacket at my usual weekend brunch hangout in East Village, followed by a few more in Soho, one more at the gym and a couple more on the subway.
From being a solo diva star my Moncler became a sexy but rather unoriginal artifact.
Damn it! Too popular is no good! I began wandering if this is the end of my affair with the brand that had gotten me so much attention out in the street.
It just happened so that over the last couple of weeks I was on the lookout for a light spring jacket.
The research was thorough. I found a great leather Diesel hoodie; a pretty cool Prada Michael Jacksonesque jacket; a very fine grey jacket from Public School's first season effort; I've tried Fay, Paul Smith, John Varvatos, J.Lindeberg.
But there was no love from the first sight.
And then I stumbled upon Moncler's new 2008 spring collection. It didn't take longer than 10 seconds before I was looking in the mirror and mumbling to myself: "Shit, this is by far THE best thing I have seen, but who the hell wears the same logo on their left arm throughout the entire year?!"
I put it aside and desperately looked for alternative options, but the decision had been already made.
A day later I walked out on the street wearing a Moncler. Again.

I feel a bit like an idiot. And I am not sure if this is acceptable in fashionistas circles, but I will make it acceptable.
The jacket looks so damn hot it's ridiculous. And it feels so damn good it's inappropriate.
I do hope that they have something really shitty up their sleeve for Fall/Winter 2008.
Because, I mean, how many seasons in a row can you wear the same label - and such a characteristic one?